To be a resource to leaders and a safe space to equip and unify the body of Christ in prayer and the prophetic.
To will restore the hearts and ears of the believers back to the Father.
The Awakening Movement first began on October 19, 2021. This ministry came from a place of passion and desire to see the church of Jesus Christ be restored in its true identity and power through prayer. We knew in our hearts that the only way the church of Jesus Christ can be restored in its identity and power is if the ears and hearts are restored back to God.
The heart behind The Awakening Movement is to see believers hear clearly in the midst of the noises of the world, distinguish the voice of the Holy Spirit, and see believers know the heartbeat of God.
We accomplish all of this through PRAYER. Hence, it's our priority to gather believers from different dominations and churches to seek the Father's face together in prayer to corporately hear the voice of God and declare as the believers.